Concept This play tells the story of four teenage girls who I want this place to not feel like a sanctuary for these girls, but instead a hide-out. I want it to be both lonely, unwelcoming, and mystic and at the same time feel like a place of great importance. Where the warmth and welcome does come would be through the lighting and the rituals. This is when the set reveals its warms, almost like a depiction of the mother goddess -- it holds its warmth and love deep with in it. I want the tree house to look as if it is rotting, falling apart, and being reclaimed by the forest. This will give the space a sense of expansion and magic in itself.
Backdrop Elevation
Santeria Magic through Art -
Treehouse Wall Elevation
Mood Boards
Preliminary Designs
This design was a paper project and was not made into a production. Emerson College Fall 2020